Sound and Lighting Operator Needed for Edinburgh Fringe
We are looking for a sound and lighting operator for the run of our new solo show What Goes on in Front of Closed Doors at the Edinburgh...

2016, what happened eh?
2016. Done. Almost. Just a little round up of all of joue le genre's adventures and achievements throughout the year. Big thank you to:...

Award winning Director Katharina Reinthaller joins the TONTS Team
We have new string to add to our very female kick-ass bow. Katharina Reinthaller is taking over on the direction for the Lyric of the...

lots of nooz (I haven't kept up with these blogs)
hollaaa. I have updated the website. It has all the dates on it and a beautiful logo rather than my pooey hand drawn one. Also Amie...

WORK BARD PLAY BARD #2 at the Pleasance. Come and see our show!
Hallo all joue le genre blog readers, they may only be two of you but I feel it is worth writing. So in October Emma (that's me)...

Scratch Perf #2 @ Mind Your Head's Scribble:Gender
The second of our scratch nights for the show about a woman wanting to be Shakespeare’s men (entitled provisionally To She or Not to She,...

To London and back (and to London again very soon...)
Hi everyone, Camille has just left London after doing some planning for Edinburgh 2015 with Emma (the trip also involved drinking wine at...

Yo so if you haven't already guessed we wanna go to Edinburgh
So. Although it's difficult to guage from this website with exciting slideshow images, and bios of our previous work: Camille and I have...