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Edinburgh Update 1.0

With just under one month to our first Edinburgh Festival Fringe showing of ‘What Goes on in Front of Closed Doors’ we thought this would be a good opportunity to update all our wonderful followers on our goings on. Believe us, it has been manic!

Sunday saw the first ever public showing of our show at Theatre N16, Balham. Let us start by saying a massive thank you to everyone who attended the event- it was incredibly important for us to show our work outside the little safety bubble of our rehearsals room. Now, after all the Velcro jokes and Muppet impressions of the day, it is all go in preparation for the Fringe! If you missed it, and you are not going to be in Edinburgh, stay tuned for another exciting announcement…

In the meantime, while we continue creating and editing what we hope will be a fantastic show, we need YOUR help. Creating a show is one thing, but getting it up to Edinburgh is a whole other ball game. With the expenses of accommodation, venue, marketing and a whole lot more, it is not financially viable for a company as small as ours to entirely self-fund the project. That is where you come in. We have launched a Crowdfunder to raise the final little bit of money to get us up to the Festival. Absolutely anything you can afford to donate will be more than appreciated- £1, £2, £5, £100, £1000, every little helps (no, we are not a Tesco advert). Plus, there are some awesome rewards in it for you! We realise that not everyone is in a position to give a donation, but even sharing and spreading the word will help us!

All the more information on donating on the CAMPAIGN PAGE.

Finally, we have started a mailing list! This way you can all keep updated on our goings on and never miss a show! It is very simple to join and we promise not to share any of the information you give us- it is purely for our company. To join CLICK HERE.

Now, it’s back to work for us but it will not be too long until you hear from us again!

Until next time!

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