Q&A with Rebecca Gwyther

Usually hidden behind the scenes, Calum and Emma did not miss a chance to interview Rebecca Gwyther, the producer for What Goes on in Front of Closed Doors. Even if there did end up being a lot of secretive answers…
Tell us about how you got into producing.
In 2015 I went and did a bit of work with a theatre company up in Tottenham Hale, involving little bits of producing, following which I went to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, working there for the first time in a Press Office. While I was in Edinburgh I had interviews for the StoneCrabs Young Directors Programme, which I started in September 2015 with seven other directors. Alongside the director training, as a collective, we had to produce a week long theatre festival at The Albany, Deptford, which is also where we each put on a one act play that we directed. During this I found out that I just ‘got on’ with producing and so following which I produced Cain at The Hope Theatre, alongside continuing other bits of directing. From there I have continued to produce all sorts of projects.
Have you ever worked on a project that you have not liked artistically and how did you deal with that?
Yes, but I’m not going to name it. The pre-sales of the show were very good and we managed to sell-out the production without having to sell our souls. There is a weird line in producing where you can produce something you do not believe in artistically, but it can still sell incredibly well. There is a split between practical and creative, although you hope they combine.
How are you going to survive the Fringe and what is your secret recipe?
I’m not. I never do. My secret recipe is to keep going so that you do not get ill until after the Fringe is over. If you stop for too long, it all sets in.
What drew you to What Goes on in Front of Closed Doors?
Emma and I met at a friend’s scratch night, on an evening when I was feeling very anti-social. After a quick chat and seeing Emma’s work in progress performance of another project, I could see massive potential in the show. I ran off pretty promptly afterwards but gave Emma my email, and it all just stemmed from there.
What is your Edinburgh secret?
I can’t tell you that. There is a secret location that I disappear off to every year, a food place which has become my safe haven from the Festival. Not even my best friend knows where it is.
What Goes on in Front of Closed Doors plays at The Attic, Pleasance Courtyard from 2 – 28 August 2017 (not 14 or 21). For more details visit: https://www.pleasance.co.uk/event/what-goes-front-closed-doors#overview