Scratch Perf #2 @ Mind Your Head's Scribble:Gender

The second of our scratch nights for the show about a woman wanting to be Shakespeare’s men (entitled provisionally To She or Not to She, what do ya think?). And all went splendidly!
Holly (excellent director and altogether life saver) and I trawled across London with record player and trunk of clothes in hand, arriving at the very swanky and cool Ophelia Dalston (recommended place to go for a night of cocktails in perfectly hipster surroundings). There was even a massive picture of Ophelia on the wall! See insert. Which may work perfectly for a poster, we shall see.
Jess and Marni the brains behind Mind Your Head Theatre (please follow on twitter and facebook) were ready and waiting for us and tech and dress commenced. All coordinated very well, we prepared ourselves for the final show.
Having just come out of drama school (an graduate emmerging artist don't you know?!), I feel these nights are blummin perfect in getting me ready for other stuff. You have to know your shit, get to know the space and get on with it. It’s bluddy scary but also really exhilarating. When I get the show in a real space in Edinburgh and I get to do it more than once I’ll be well chuffed.
My piece was in the second half so I had 40 minutes to get even more nervous than I already was. JOKING of course I was a true profesh and did my spinal roles and tongue twisters (Peter Piper every time for me). And then I did it, this time the piece has a massive monologuely type bit in the middle which is a bit just like me talking but it is also not all true, and being 14 a bit more than I act normally. And they seemed to like it! They laughed anyway.
Some comments from afterwards:
‘You’re really funny.’
‘You totally got away with it when you forgot your lines, it was endearing.’
‘I think what you’re tackling is important, it makes you think, oh yeah, Ophelia doesn’t really have that much to do, and why shouldn’t you be Hamlet.’
‘The gender roles highlighted within the piece, subtly through use of comedy and your heightened performance style are all the more touching and poignant through the innocent teenage eyes that the story is encapsulated within.’
HA NOBODY SAID THE LAST ONE, they were all too drunk.
So. TO THE FRINGE. Yes, I have applied for the Underbelly award through ideastap (everything is crossed), and yes, soon the crowd funding shall begin. And YES there are a many more things to organise. Gasp.
But never fear sweet readers, I have many a friend and helper to guide me along the way.
A few thanks yous to Olivia Meguer, me flatmate and creative actor/director/writer/genius. And to Jess and Marni, as stated previously, incredible cheered leaders and theatremakers of stuff. Watch out for their next night Scribble: Welfare.
If you like my work and think you may be of assistance in any way: please contact me
Excellent. All is well in theatreland. Merry Christmas. Speak Soon.