To London and back (and to London again very soon...)
Hi everyone,
Camille has just left London after doing some planning for Edinburgh 2015 with Emma (the trip also involved drinking wine at the National Theatre, getting through the Old Vic Stage Doors AND Camille's first ever Panto experience... but ok, this is a professional blog, so can we please try to stay on track and stop being such geeks??!)

We are now ready to tackle the momentous
task ahead of us: trying to take both our shows
to the Fringe Festival.
Daunting? Well, yeah, kind of.
Hello funding applications, deadlines, budgeting!
And also, well,
developping TWO completely original shows
in less than a year.
We CAN do this, RIGHT??
Emma and Holly, our artistic associate, will be rehearsing all week before showing their work next Sunday at the "Scribble: Gender" event produced by Mind Your Head at the Ophelia, Dalston. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO FIND OUT MORE :)
Things are moving forward!
Take care,
C&E. X